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Host a Static React Website from an AWS S3 Bucket! DNS

Host a Static React Website from an AWS S3 Bucket! DNS Free Download. Show off your React Application to the World!

Host a Static React Website from an AWS S3 Bucket! DNS Description

So you made your React site….but now how to do you host it? Well in this course we’re going to teach you how to host your site in a cost effective and professional manner! We will show you how to to host the site with a custom domain name and with a proper SSL certificate. You can use this to host a professional portfolio site, or host your newest online project! Topic Covered:
  • AWS Basics
  • S3
  • Cloudfront
  • Route 53
  • Hosting a Static Website
Austin Patkos (eJPT, CCP, SAA, BCCe) has taught over 45,000 students on Udemy. He is passionate not only about tech but about teaching tech too. Knowing that remembering information isn’t enough, you have to have a deeper understanding to be able to retain all of the information. He teaches in a manner that is sure to help you develop your skills and take you to the next level as a developer. He teaches a careful balance of giving enough information but also taking time to practice it too. Austin has developed these courses to teach people just like how to become better developers. Designed for both beginner and people with some knowledge your are sure to get something out of his videos!

What you’ll learn

  • Basic AWS
  • S3
  • Static Website Hosting
  • Cost Effective Site Hosting
  • DNS
  • React + AWS

Who this course is for:

  • People looking to learn AWS
  • People looking to take their Website Online

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Host a Static React Website from an AWS S3 Bucket! DNS Free Download


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Password: freetutsdownload.com

Content From: https://www.udemy.com/course/host-a-static-react-website-from-an-aws-s3-bucket-dns/

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