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Build MERN Stack E-Commerce Mobile App with Admin Panel and Authentication using React Native, Redux, Context API and much more
MERN Stack E-Commerce
What you’ll learn
Build a Great MERN Stack E-Commerce Mobile Application with React Native, Redux, Node, Express & MongoDB
Develop cross-platform (iOS and Android) mobile apps without knowing Swift, ObjectiveC or Java/ Android
An actual real-world project built in a linear and progressive manner
Great Division of the course so you can pick up FullStack, Frontend or Backend
Admin area to manage customers, products & orders from mobile phone!
Product search, carousel & more – MERN Stack E-Commerce
Learn NodeJS API (Backend) Development
Learn to Implement Authentication based on JWT
Understand the terminology and concepts of Redux
Get up to speed with React design principles and methodologies
Make truly reusable components that look great
Discover mobile design patterns used by experienced engineers
Basic Knowledge with Javascript
Description – MERN Stack E-Commerce
Building cross-platform MERN Stack E-Commerce mobile apps has become less time consuming and more effective with one of the most popular frameworks, React Native.
This is not a reading documentation course. You have here a real-world project to learn from, and you will see the exact place of every feature of every technology used in this course.
You will learn how to build a Mobile Application for iOS and Android with MERN stack using React Native.
In this course you will learn to use technologies like:
– NodeJs
– Express
– MongoDB
– Redux
– Context API
– React Navigation
– Styled Components
– And Native Base
You will learn the basics of building React Native apps. First, you will discover how to set up your environment in record time, including how to debug and run your app on your phone. Then, you will explore the React Native component library and how to style your layouts for a great feel. Finally, you will delve into how to call an HTTP API from your app – MERN Stack E-Commerce
When you’re finished with this course, you will have the basic skills and knowledge of React Native needed to tackle profitable, cross-platform mobile projects without learning at least two new programming languages.
Also, this course is a perfect to the concepts of server-side web development. You’ll learn the different parts that make up the back-end of a website or web application, and you’ll gain familiarity with the Node.js runtime environment. After this course, you’ll be set up to explore popular Node frameworks like Express.js to build great API’s.
You learn in this course how to use mongoDb without any installing extra tools, MongoDB is now on cloud, so you will store your database in safe place!
The main features:
- Full featured shopping cart
- Top products carousel
- Product pagination
- Product search feature
- User profile with orders
- Admin product management
- Admin user management
- Admin Order details page
- Changing the orders states (shipped, delivered ..)
- Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc)
- Using Database in the cloud
- and much more …
And not only this, you will have optional tasks to do and we can review them for you! Just pick up one task from the board and create the pull request to get the review, to be like in a real world experience!
After this course you will have a full working e-commerce iOS and Android App that you can use or add to your portfolio.
Who this course is for:
- Full stack, Forntend or Backend web developers that want to learn MERN by building a real-world app
Created by Tiago Pereira, Fadi Nouh, Laila Sermon
Size: 8.81GB
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Visit - MERN Stack E-Commerce Mobile App with React Native [2021]
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